Is it really Free??? Watch this video

Mike Sedita

Executive Producer, The Branding Highway Podcast

Explains what every person wants to know

What do we mean by FREE??

Thank you for taking a moment to watch this video. You probably got an email from someone on my team that says you were nominated to be on The Branding Highway Podcast and it's free. THEN you looked at the email and thought this can't be true NOTHING is for free in 2024, so you deleted it or threw it out or didn't respond!!

I'm here to tell you this is 100% FREE. We don't ask for your credit card, there is no sales pitch, we're not going to keep you on the phone until you sign up. There's nothing like that AT ALL. Our goal is for us to learn about you and your business AND give you the opportunity to know us. IF there is an opportunity for us to discuss how we can work together down the road, GREAT and if not, in the meantime you get a FREE podcast introducing your business that you can use to put on your social media to put on your website It's entirely up to you.

We record it and produce it at no charge The next steps are completely in your court. So if you got that email or you're looking at this video then sign up below, come on the podcast and let's talk about you and your business and we'll go from there, THANKS!!


  • To bring the local businesses and residents together.

  • To enhance the ‘Know, Like and Trust Factor’ of our featured guest and their company.

  • To provide our featured guest a valuable resource that can be used in numerous ways to grow their business.

Want to get your business featured on the podcast?


Mike Sedita Executive Producer

The Branding Highway Podcast


Cross Creek Living, Wiregrass Living, & 54 West Life



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